25th January, 2010 is another day in my diary that has pages and pages of writing, despite the fact that it is incredibly difficult to express the emotions. Simply, ‘Chemical Ali’ was given his death sentence for the crimes against the Kurdish people.
Patriotic songs were put on the loud speaker all day in the cafeteria. And between classes hand in hand shoulders shimmered, feet danced and the noises of happiness were made (Kurdish readers: I am referring to Halhala—our guys know how to do it well!!)
Students who I had never noticed before were in Kurdish clothes or wearing a Kurdish symbols including flags, bracelets, and the ‘Jamadani’ which was around the neck of many girls.
Young people were celebrating a phenomenal event where, the punishment of the guilty hands behind the cleansing and genocide against Kurdish people took place. The event was symbolic, as from this day forward, Kurds know they cannot be hurt or by anyone because of their Kurdish identity.
What makes the event so close to my heart in particular is the fact that I visited Halabja various times and the images have remained in my mind. I walked on the roads that innocent children died on. Sitting by the cemetery, the emotions and thoughts that provoke out of one’s mind is sorrowful.
Despite the celebration, the wound is still deep. Despite the smiles, the tears are still there. Despite the songs, our woes are still loud.
Young people will remember the innocent blood of the young children, the old fathers and the mothers of every household. And it makes me smile and be confident for the future of Kurdistan when I see young people so attached and devoted to their nation.
I am proud to be living a day like today.
Above: A lasting picture that will hold deep memories for years to come.
Univeristy of Kurdistan- Hawler students, celebration for the execution of 'Chemical Ali'
I think the execution is a less penalty deserves it. better to tear him to small pieces.
'Ali Hassan al-Majeed was executed after receiving four death sentences
© AP GraphicsBank
26 January 2010
Amnesty International deplores the execution in Baghdad of ‘Ali Hassan al-Majeed, also known as Chemical Ali, for his involvement in one of the worst atrocities committed under the government of Saddam Hussain.
‘Ali Hassan al-Majeed had been sentenced to death for a fourth time on 17 January for ordering a poison gas attack on the town of Halabja in 1988, which killed more than 5,600 members of Iraq's Kurdish minority, many of them children and women.
He was executed by hanging on Monday following his conviction by the Supreme Iraqi Criminal Tribunal (SICT), which was set up to deal with crimes committed by the former government of Saddam Hussain.
Amnesty International has repeatedly expressed concerns about trial proceedings at the SICT, which have been undermined by political interference and fall far short of international standards for fair trial.
"Despite the enormity of the crimes of which Al Hassan al-Majid was convicted, we deplore his execution and consider it a step backwards," said Malcolm Smart, Amnesty International's Middle East and North Africa Director.
"In fact, it is only the latest of a mounting number of executions, some of whom did not receive fair trials, in gross violation of human rights."
The execution of al-Majeed comes at a time when the Iraqi authorities are making increased use of the death penalty. Currently, more than 900 prisoners are reported to be on death row, many of whom could be executed in the near future. Many were sentenced to death by the Central Criminal Court of Iraq after trials that failed to conform to international standards of fair trial.
Al-Majid had been sentenced to death for genocide and crimes against humanity in three previous trials before the SICT.
"The execution of Al Hassan al-Majid was long expected and, no doubt, many people who suffered because of the crimes of which he was found guilty will see it as bringing to a close a very sad, a very bad, chapter in Iraq's history," said Malcolm Smart.
"However, all executions brutalize society and in Iraq, where killing has become the order of the day, the time has come to say 'Enough!'"
My article about the execution of Chemical Ali.
"Na ji darvekirina Eliyê Kîmawî re"
Dema Seddam Husên hate girtin ez li Helebê bûm, min ligel gelek hevalan li zanîngehê behsa neçariya darvekirina Seddam kiribû. Wê çagê min digot Seddam zarokatiyek trajîk derbas kiribû, dirûniya (psîkolojiya) wî pir xerab ji ber wê ew bûye mirovekî hov û van kiryarên xerab kirine. Min ji wan re digot ez ti encameke erênî ji kuştina Seddam nabînim, bervajiya vê yekê hemû encam negatîv dibînim:
1) Mafekeî navnetewî ji mafên mirovan tê binpêkirin ew jî standuna jiyana mirovekî ye.
2) Seddam tê kuştin lê ramana şofênîst û nijadperest zindî dimîne. Seddam bû "şehîdek" ji bi mîlyonan Ereb û Musulman, bi hezaran bav navê Seddam li zarokên xwe kirin.
3) Kiryara kuştina Seddam agirê çanda tolhildanê gurr kir û rê li çalakiyên xwekujî vekirin, bi deh hezaran kes bûn qurbanên van çalakiyên heyfvedanê.
4) Kiryara kuştinê ne edalet e, kuştin tundûtujiyê. Darevkirin bi navê edaletê tê kirin û weke kiryarekî baş tê hesbandin. Em çiqasî hicet û sedem ji bo rewakirina kiryara kuştinê bikin, kuştin kuştin e. Bi pejrandina vê hovîtiyê (Darvekirin) em zarokên xwe jî fêrî tundutujiyê dikin. Hiç ne tiştekî tendûrust e ku zarokekî Kurd bê û bêje: "Divê ku ez zilam bê darvekirin ji ber ku ew kujerê Kurdan e", çanda tolhildanê çandekî prîrmîtîv e.
Tunekirin bi mebesta pêkanîna "Edaletê"
Vîna (îradeya) siyasî ya Dewletên Yekbûyî li Amêrîkayê çira kesk dabû ji bo darvekirina Seddam ji ber rêzgirtina biryara dadgeha Îraqî ji bo pêkanîna "edaletê", lê li aliyê din jî çavê xwe digre derbarê komkujiyên ku herdem li dijî gelê Felestînê têne kirin.
Li çiyayên Kurdistanê xwîna gelek ciwanên Kurd hate rijandin ji bo çi? ji bo pêkanîna "edaletê". "Ev li dijî şoreşê derket", "Ew ji xeta partiyê û serokatiyê derket", "Ew êdî naxwazê li hemberî dijmin şer bike", "Êdî bûye xayîn". Gelek xort û keçên Kurd ji ber hin "çewtiyan" rastî cezaya mirinê hatin. "Kesên wisa ne hêjayî jiyanê ne, divê werin tesfiyekirin, gullebarandin...". Ev edalet e?!
Baş e, eger ev edalet be?, divê em rêberên Kurd jî pêşkêşî dadgehê bikin ji ber çewtiyên wan yên leşkerî û siyasî ku bûn sedema rijandina xwîna bi sed hezaran kes li ser xaka Kurdistanê.
Em vegerin ser birêz Seddam Husên, dema darvekirina wî ez li Spanya bûm, digel ku min şîrê netewbûnê mijandiye û bi hestên netewî hatime têrkirin. Ez bi kuştina Seddam şok bûm, ango dema min nûçeya darvekirina Seddam xwend, derbikê min ji nehesîna (Unconscious mind) xwe got: Ji bo çi?.
Weke endamekî çalak di Rêxistina Lêborîna Navnetewî (Amnesty International) em salane çalakiyan li dijî Cezaya Mirinê çêdikin, ji bilî ku ev kiryar prensîbek ji Belavoka Navnetewî ya Mafê Mirovan binpê dike em neçariya vê kiriyarê hovane dibînin, statîstîkên darvekirina mirovan li gelek welatn xuya dikin ku ti kêmbûn di warê kirina gunehan nehate dîtin. Darvekirin, gullebarandin... rê li kirina gunehan nagire, her wiha rê li pêşiya çalakên siyasî û oposîtorên dîktatoran nagire. Vêca ev cezayek bê bandor e.
Amnesty International bê şert û merc li dijî cezaya mirinê ye. Lêborîna navnetwî ji bo cezakirina gunehkaran, li şûna cezaya mirinê, cezaya ebedî weke alternatîv dibîne.
Hêvîdarim ku çewtiya darvekirina Seddam neyê dubarekirin û cezaya darvekirina Elî Hesen El-Mecîd (Eliyê Kîmawî) bê rawestandin, û li şûna wê bi hebsa ebedî bê cezakirin.
I wonder if the situation is better now in Halabja.
After the protests in 2006:
Kurdish bo hamu shtek u ba hamu shtek har halaparre!
hello all,
. . . . When I saw on TV I heard the decission of the death penalty, believe me , I cried Momma with falling tears down in my eyes, and I also smiled, because all as kurd felt happy inside, someday Chemical Ali gifted Halabja chemical bombs, but today he got his answer, I hope those who work agains kurdish nation, will get the same destiny of Chemical Ali"Ali Hassan Al- Majid". Good change!
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