This year I was lucky to spend °Valentines Day° in Vienna. But it reminded me of Kurdistan last year and the year before. I remember there was an outdoor party in Minaret Park in Erbil in 2007, and last year we had a celebration at uni... Its always good to have such special celebrations as it adds colour and contentment to even one day of the year. I was happy to know even in Kurdistan specíal occassions are celebrated, you may or may not agree with Valentines, and as I always say with the people you love every day is a day of love but the occassion is unique... I am wondering how it was back home today. Hope to be there next year!!!
Hevala Sazan:
Eger tu evîndarî, ez cejna evînê li te pîroz dikim û eger na, evîndarekî baş û hêja ji te re hêvî dikim.
Rêz û silav from Spain.
beautiful picsss......
I liked your action with umbrella. lol
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